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导读绿茶 Green Tea Extract 对减肥有甚么好处?最佳答案近年很多减肥丸 / 瘦身产品 也会加入绿茶精华 (Green Tea Extract) 成份,是因为绿茶对减肥很有帮助,但因为我们不能以绿茶充当白开水饮...


绿茶 Green Tea Extract 对减肥有甚么好处?

最佳答案近年很多减肥丸 / 瘦身产品 也会加入绿茶精华 (Green Tea Extract) 成份,是因为绿茶对减肥很有帮助,但因为我们不能以绿茶充当白开水饮用,所以便出现了绿茶精华 (Green Tea Extract) 来代替饮用大量绿茶。 绿茶中的芳香族化合物能溶解脂肪,防止脂肪积存体内,另外绿茶中的多酚可以减缓和抑制淀粉消化吸收,它亦能抑制肠胃中蔗糖转换成酵素的活性


参考: godsdirectcontact/vegetarian/ch/vc85+自己看书


美国和瑞士科学家对减肥有利绿茶和闭幕结果被刊登在美国临床营养JOURNAL泌尿科. During the course of their study

they have found that green tea contains certain pounds that contribute to its weight loss benefit.在学习过程中



它有助于减肥有利. Lead researcher

D. Abdul Dulloo said in a press release that there are only o ways to achieve weight loss – either reduce energy intake or increase energy expenditure.铅研究员、丁说阿卜杜勒dulloo新闻稿说有两条途径达到减肥-要么减少能量摄入或增加能量消耗. Green tea

it seems

has pounds that can increase the body’s normal metaboli *** rate

thus giving it its weight loss benefit.绿茶似乎有化合物


它的好处是使体重减轻. At the University of Geneva

where the study was conducted

Dr. Dulloo and his colleagues experimented on ten healthy young men.在日内瓦大学


dulloo博士及其同事在10个试点省壮丁. They theorized that the main contributor to green tea’s weight loss benefit is its caffeine content.这些理论的主要贡献者

绿茶的减肥好处是它的咖啡因含量. To test this hypothesis on green tea’s weight loss benefit

they placed the study’s participants on a typical “Western” diet which is about forty percent fat

thirteen percent protein

and forty-seven percent carbohydrates.这一假说测试绿茶的减肥好处他们把研究的与会者介绍了典型的"西方"饮食中脂肪百分之四十


和47%碳水化合物. Thrice everyday

the researchers measured their subjects’ energy expenditure (the measurement used in determining the number of calories burned in 24 hours) and monitored their respiration quotient to find out how well they utilized their carbohydrates


and fats.每天三次

研究人员测量了受试者的能源支出(用来测量确定人数卡路里当众24小时)监视呼吸商数看看他们利用其碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪. When they interpreted the data they collected

they found out that the men receiving regular dosages of green tea extract showed a significant increase in their 24-hour energy expenditure and a reduction in their respiration quotient (which me that more fat is burned

thereby achieving maximum weight loss).当他们把这些资料收集、他们发现


其24小时能源开支和减少呼吸商数(即多脂肪燃烧从而实现最大体重减轻). On the other hand

those men who were only given caffeine or placebo with every meal showed only minimal increases in their metaboli *** rates.在另一方面

这些男人只能餐餐与咖啡因或安慰剂显示其代谢率上升微乎其微. The scientists construed that the substance catechin polyphenol present in green tea adds to its weight loss benefit.科学家解释说

多酚物质存在于绿茶儿茶素加重其体重减轻受益. These substances in green tea may alter how the body uses the hormone norepinephrine which is responsible for increasing the metaboli *** rate

thus leading to weight loss.这些物质在绿茶身体怎么可能改变用途的肾上腺素荷尔蒙是负责提高代谢率

从而导致体重减轻. In their conclusion

the scientists inferred that green tea owes its weight loss benefit to the presence of antioxidants and the substance catechin polyphenol.其结论科学家推测绿茶拜利于减肥和抗氧化剂物质含有儿茶素多酚. These substances help increase fat and calorie burning and optimize weight loss.这些物质有助于增加热量和脂肪燃烧优化体重减轻

参考: allnatural-resource-center/tgold/chineseu=/greentea/The_Weight_Loss_Benefit_of_Green_Tea











旁白:Mummy Pig is watching a keep fit program

on television.

电视节目:"Come on, now, that's right." "bend it, stretch it," "bend it, stretch it." Ahhh! and one and two

爸爸:I love watching television.

电视节目:and three and four

爸爸:What's this, Mummy Pig

电视节目:and one and two

妈妈:It's a program about doing exercises to keep fit.

爸爸:Thank goodness! I don't have to exercise!

I'm naturally fit.

佩奇:You don't look very fit, Daddy; your tummy is a bit big!

爸爸:I'm very fit! I'll show you! What shall I do first

佩奇:Touch your toes. Like this!


佩奇:Daddy! Stop pretending that you can't touch your toes.

爸爸:Err. I'm not pretending, Peppa.

旁白:Daddy Pig really cannot touch his toes.

佩奇:Oh, dear, Daddy! That's not very good!

爸爸:Hmmm. Maybe I should do a bit of exercise.

佩奇:Yes, Daddy.

爸爸:And I will start.tomorrow!

妈妈:Daddy Pig! You have to start exercising now!


佩奇:Don't worry, Daddy, I will help you.

爸爸:Oh, alright! Peppa, you're in charge of getting me fit. What should I do first

佩奇:First, you must do some press-ups!


佩奇:One, two. There. Very good, Daddy. Now, I want you to do.One hundred!

爸爸:One hundred!


妈妈:Come on, children, help me make lunch.

爸爸:I'll help as well.

佩奇:No, Daddy! You've got one hundred press-ups to do.

爸爸:Oh. One.Two.Three.

旁白:Mummy Pig, Peppa and George


旁白:are in the kitchen making lunch.


旁白:Daddy Pig is still doing his press-ups.


佩奇:Daddy is doing Eight! very well.




妈妈:I do hope he's not overdoing it.


佩奇:I'll go and see.

爸爸:Thirteen!. Fourteen!.Fifteen!.Sixteen!. Seventeen!

佩奇:Daddy Pig! You're cheating! You should be doing press-ups!

爸爸:Oh! Err.There was something interesting on the TV.

佩奇:Naughty Daddy!

妈妈:Maybe Daddy will have more success with my old exercise bike.

爸爸:Aha! This looks like fun! I'll be able to cycle and watch TV at the same time.

爸爸:It's impossible! This bike is too noisy. I can't hear the TV!

妈妈:You've got to get fit somehow.

佩奇:I know! You can use my bicycle.

妈妈:Yes, and then you'll get some fresh air as well.

旁白:Daddy Pig is going to ride on Peppa's little bicycle.

佩奇:Daddy, these are the pedals. These are the brakes.And this is the bell.

爸爸:Yes! Yes! Thank you, Peppa, I know. Bye bye.

爸爸:Easy as pie!

旁白:Getting fit is quite hard work. 

爸爸:Aha! Now I can get fit without having to pedal!

旁白:Daddy Pig is going very fast.

爸爸:Oh! Maybe I'd better slow down.

爸爸:Arrgh! The brakes aren't strong enough! Help!

旁白:Daddy Pig has been gone for a long time.

佩奇:Mummy, where can Daddy be

妈妈:Don't worry, Peppa. Daddy must be really

enjoying himself to be away for so long.

佩奇:Daddy! where have you been

爸爸:I whizzed all the way down the hill, and then I had to push the bike all the way back up again.

妈妈:Oh! Poor Daddy Pig!

爸爸:Well, at least I've done my exercise.

妈妈:Yes. For today.

爸爸:What do you mean

妈妈:You'll have to do some more exercise tomorrow.


佩奇:Daddy, to get fit, you have to exercise every day.

爸爸:Oh, no.

佩奇:But don't worry, Daddy, I'll make sure you do it.

爸爸:Yes! I know you will.



作者: 探索吧




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