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导读与电子商务有关的简单英语对话优质回答您好,如果想知道有关电子商务人员在英语面试环节中会被问到什么问题,应届毕业生求职网小编建议大家阅读下文的英语对话:I: Hello! May I ...





I: Hello! May I speak to Zhao XXX

Z: This is Zhao XXX speaking. Who is that

I: This is Thomas Watt, the manager of The E-Commerce Transactions Company in Singapore. I want to talk with you for a while in order to make a decision concerning your application.

Z: I'm glad to receive your phone. I'm too happy to answer your questions as well.

I: To begin with, I wonder if you have any plan to go abroad to continue your students. Your CV says your score on GRE is 2320 points. As far as I know you can be easily admitted by a foreign university as a graduate student with such a high score.

Z: Frankly speaking, I've got an admission notification from Stanford University. Unfortunately I'm denied any scholarship since the competition for humanities students' scholarship is extremely acute. Without any financial aid, I can't get a student visa. Now I've decided to begin work after my graduation. So you can set your heart at ease.

I: As a major of international business, what courses have you taken

Z: I've taken such main courses as International Marketing, International Business Management, Foreign Trade Practice, Foreign Trade Correspondence, Foreign Exchange, International Law of Commerce, English for Business Communication, etc What interests me most is E-Commerce and computer.

I: Great! What is E-Commerce then

Z: In a broad sense, E-Commerce is a revolution of traditional business. It conducts online business data interchange activites, chiefly based on digital information technology. Specifically speaking, E-Commerce means business transactionas among parties involved in electronic manners.

I: What are electronic manners made up of

Z: They include electronic data interchange, electronic payment devices, electronic order system, E-mail, electronic notice system, network, fax and intelligence card, and so forth.

I: Can you tell me some benefits of E-Commerce

Z: Certainly. The remarkable benefit of it is to shorten the distance between production and consumption. Commonities can come into the hands of consumers directly or with fewest intermediate links at cheap prices. E-Commerce makes transactions much simpler.

I: What plays a key role on E-Business system

Z: E-Business system entails producers, stores, consumers, monetary organs and government department. In this system, it is the computer network technology that plays a key role. The fast growing internet has provided a platform for E-Business to exist. The numerous users of the internet are so called suppliers, purchasers or middlemen of E-Business.

I: After all, E-Commerce is a new venture. You may encounter some difficulties and obstacles or even risks in your future work. What basic principle do you apply to your life

Z: There is no royal road to one's life. We must have an unyielding spirit. In time of success, I'll never be conceited. And in time of failure, I'll by no means lose heart. As a young man, I must be creative and aggressive.

I: You are right. Ok. so much for you. Have you any questions

Z: Yes, May I know the matter of remuneration.

I: We'll give you a yearly salary of fifty thousand yuan, plus 1% commission on all sales. Let's stop here. I'll bring you a contract of employment when I go to Beijing in two weeks.

Z: Thank you for your phone call, Mr . Watt, and for your decision of employing me. See you in Beijing then.



优质回答Business Manager:Today we are talkig about how should we expand our market next

业务经理 : 今天我们谈谈下一步应该怎样扩大市场?

Marketing Assistant: I think it’s time we should go global.


Marketing Representative :Do you mean opening more retail outlets


Business Manager:No. We can sell on the Internet .


Marketing Assistant :You arc Calking about on-line shopping


Business Manager:It ‘s Information Age. We should get into electronic commerce . E-commerce is precisely a rapidly expanding way of doing business.


Marketing Assistant:We can reach more people reach without opening new stores.


Marketing Representative :Yah. Every cybercafe is a cybercafe store.Anyone can walk into a log on cybercafe and log on. point their browser to our web site and buy our products.


Business Manager:we need to plan how to get into electronic commerce, we will talk about it next week,see you next week.




四、 The Digital Revolution Drives E-Commerce

【教学内容】 1、掌握“The Digital Revolution Drives E-Commerce”中的专业及非专业词汇 及用法:

(1) digital economy——数字经济 (2) digital communication network——数字通信网 (3) extranet—外联网 (4) Internet economy——互联网经济 (5) New economy——新经济 (6) Web economy——万维网(网站)经济 (7) digitizable products——数字化产品 (8) database——数据库 (9) digital currencies——数字货币 (10)financial tokens—— 金融代币 (11)microprocessor——微处理器 (12)home appliance——家用电器 (13)automobile——汽车 (14)convergence——集中、收敛 (15)computing——计算 (16)communication——通信 (17)stimulate——刺激 (18)low inflation——低通货膨胀率 (19)innovation——变革

五、 The Business Environment Drives E-Commerce

【教学内容】 1、掌握“The Business Environment Drives E-Commerce”中的专业及非专业 词汇及用法:

(1) business environment——商业环境 (2) CEO——Chief Executive Officer (3) Qantas Airway——澳航 (4) turbulent—动荡的、吵闹的 (5) expedite——加速 (6) the environment-response-support model——环境响应支持模型 (7) unprofitable facilities——不盈利机构、部门 (8) critical response activities——关键响应行为 (9) necessity——必要性、需要 (10)workforce——劳动力 (11)obsolescence——(技术)过时、退化 (12)information overload—— 信息过剩 (13)deregulation——解除(放松)管制 (14)subsidy——补助、津贴 (15)ethics——伦理道德 1.5 EC Business Models 【教学内容】 1、掌握“EC Business Models”中的专业及非专业词汇及用法: (1) business model——商业模型 (2) revenue——收入、收益 (3) revenue——收益模型 (4) outline——概括

Chapter 3:Retailing in Electronic Commerce: Products and Services

六、 Internet Marketing and Electronic Retailing

【教学内容】 1、掌握“Internet Marketing and Electronic Retailing”中的专业及非专业词汇 及用法:

(1) retailer——零售商 (2) retailing——零售(业) (3) electronic retailing——电子零售(业) (4) e-retailing——电子零售(业) (5) e-tailer——电子零售商 (6) operate——运作、运行 (7) manufacture——制造商、制造企业 (8) physical——物理的、现实的 (9) electronic retail ——电子零售 (10)intermediary——中间环节 (11)factory outlets——工厂店 (12)wholesale——批发 (13)distribution——分销 (14)ubiquity—无处不在的,普遍存在的 (15)catalog sales——邮购销售方式 (16)vacation service——度假服务 (17)portal——门户网站 (18)consolidate——合并、统一 (19)revenue——收入 (20)value proposition——价值观 (21)fare——费用 (22)travel accessories—— 旅游用品 (23)stand-by tickets——返航机票 (24)otherwise-empty seat——剩余的空座位 (25)steep——急剧的 (26)eurailpass——欧洲铁路旅行优惠票

七、 E-Tailing Business Models

【教学内容】 1、掌握“E-Tailing Business Models”中的专业及非专业词汇及用法:

(1) manufacturer——生产商 (2) transaction——交易 (3) enterprise——企业 (4) HRM——human resource management,人力资源管理 (5) IT——Information Technologe信息技术 (6) SCM——Supply Chain Management (7) ERP——Enterprise Resource Planning,企业资源规划 (8) CRM——Customer Relationship Management客户关系管理 (9) mail order——邮购 (10)direct marketing ——直销 (11)pure-play e-taile r—— 纯电子商务的电子零售 (12)click and mortar——鼠标加水泥 (13)internet(online) mall ——互联网商城,在线商城 (14)distribution channel —— 分布渠道

八、Travel and Tourism Services Online

【教学内容】 1、掌握“Travel and Tourism Services Online”中的专业及非专业词汇及用法:

(1) travel online——在线旅行、在线旅游 (2) online travel service——在线旅行服务 (3) conventional travel agency——传统的旅行中介,旅行社 (4) car rental agency——汽车租赁代理 (5) revenue ——收入 (6) consultancy fee——咨询费 (7) vacation service——度假服务 (8) reserve ticket——订票 (9) accommodation——住宿 (10)entertainment——娱乐 (11)travel magazine——旅行杂志 (12)fare comparison ——费用比较 (13)city guide——城市指南、向导 (14)currency conversion calculator——现金转换计算器 (15)driving map——驾驶地图 (16)travel accessory ——旅行装备设施 (17)travel bargain——旅行折扣 (18)discount——折扣 (19)cheap ticket——廉价机票 (20)chat room——聊天室 (21)stopover——中途停留 (22)corporate travel——社团旅游 (23)intelligent Agent——智能代理软件



作者: 探索吧




在线咨询: QQ交谈

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